
Click on each Panel title to access information on Organisers, Abstract and Schedule at the Conference Programme.

The participation at the V CHAM Conference implies a mandatory registration and the payment of Conference fees. Since this will be a hybrid event – presential and virtual – different registration fees will be applied, as also for CHAM’s members, non-members and students.

P02 Beyond Frontiers Perspectives: Innovation, Creativity and Sustainability in Heritage Research – Carla Alferes Pinto & Paula Ochôa (CHAM – Centre for the Humanities NOVA FCSH)

P03 Legal Books in the Iberian Worlds. Crossing the Borders of Normative Knowledge Production in the Age of Printing Press – Manuela Bragagnolo (Max Planck Institute for European Legal History)

P04 Crossing Borders at Sea – Ryan Jones ( University of Oregon), Brooke Grasberger (Brown University), Jason Colby (University of Victoria) & Nadin Hee (Freie Universität Berlin)

P05 Shifting Borderlines of a Multicultural City: Thessaloniki between the Ottoman Empire and the Greek Nation-State – Shai Srougo (University of Haifa)

P06 New Materialisms, New Realisms, and the Boundaries of the Human – Diogo De Carvalho Cabral (Trinity College Dublin) & André Vasques Vital (University Center of Anápolis)

P08 Informants from the borders: agency and territorial mediation in early modern Iberian empires (15th-18th centuries)– Ida Mauro (Universitat de Barcelona), Diego Sola (Universitat de Barcelona) & Anna Busquets (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)

P09 Cultural and Religious Borders: Understanding Interactions and Conflicts between faiths in Preindustrial societies – Esther Pascua Echegaray (Madrid Open University)

P10 Early Anthropocene: Exploitation and extinction in the seas – Nina Vieira & Cristina Brito (CHAM – Centre for the Humanities NOVA FCSH)

P11 Trans-imperial circulation of modern politics – François Godicheau (University of Toulouse)

P12 Frontiers, Race and Environment: Conflict and the construction of the natural sciences narrative in the edges of the colonial empires – Gisele C. Conceição (University of São Paulo, FFLCH/USP) & Fabiano Bracht (University of Porto, FLUP)

P13 Beyond Frontiers Between Human, the Natural and the Praeternatural in Antiquity

P14 Cultural and Territorial Boundaries: Decodification, Translation, Management

P15 Iberian Frontiers in Colonial Amazonia: Circulations, Connections and Conflicts – Pablo Ibáñez-Bonillo (CHAM – Centre for the Humanities NOVA FCSH)

P16 Thinking Coastlines as Fluid Frontiers – Joana Gaspar De Freitas (Center of History, School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon)

P17 Emerging Boundaries of Human Rights, Conviviality, and Social Sciences of Globalizations: Critiques in search of new dynamics

P18 Decolonizing Nature, Environmental Ocean-Land Extractivism Latin America, XVII-XXIth Century– Antonio Ortega Santos (University of Granada)

P19 Fluid Infrastructural Time(s): Temporalities, Spatial Transformations and the (Un)Making of Borders– Caio Simoes De Araujo (Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research) & Pedro Pombo (Goa University)

P20 Women Experiences on Borders: Exclusion, Creation and Learning

P21 National Identities and Otherness 

P22 Women at borderlands: female agency and political negotiation at the edges of European Empires S, XVI-XVIII – Diana Roselly Pérez-Gerardo (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)

P23 A border is a border is a border? Discussing boundaries in Antiquity – Catarina Miranda (CHAM – Centre for the Humanities NOVA FCSH)